Sunday, January 25, 2009

I guess it is my turn to make an entry in the blog. We have been having a great time with everyone, and they are enjoying themselves also. Very relaxing for all. It appears that everyone is now up to full slow.
Thursday we went to Playa Larga to the south of us. It is a long beach about 9 miles long. Long enough that it has three names. Larga to the north, Blanco in the middle and Berra de Potisi to the south. We rode the bus, then the little truck with the benches in the back from the highway to the beach. It takes less than a half hour from home. It was a little windy but the wind felt good, seeing how it was 88 in the shade. It was a nice day with a different view. Had a great fish lunch with all the trimmings made special for us. Did a little beach walking, a couple of people got a little siesta in the hammock then the trip home. I negotiated the VW van shuttle to bring us back to the house for 30 pesos per couple. That made it an easy day and trip.
Yesterday, Matt and I walked to town for a couple of errands and breakfast. Judy joined us for our breakfast after here haircut and pedicure. We hit the Mercado and then on to the Comercial. Along the way, I had to show Matt the secret location of the bakery that makes the chocolate cake with the flan on top. We might need to purchase another one early next week. It has been a big hit with this group.
Today we walked up the hill at the south end of the beach, then down to Paty’s for lunch. Tonight, we had a treat for dinner. One of the jewelers, from the beach came over and fixed Thai food for us. He is someone we have known for a few years. His name is Israel, and has many talents. His English is good and we enjoyed talking with him. He is only 35 years old and has done a lot of things in his life so far. It was a fun evening for all of us.
Tomorrow looks like a day at Paty’s for beach time. Paty is starting to make preparations for the Super Bowl. We will probably watch down there next week.
The time with our friends has been great with a lot of good conversations. Everyone jumps in and helps with the dishes and the food shopping. They have been great guests.
We saw another friend show up today, from New Jersey. He is only here tonight then is going up North about three hours on the bus. He is going to a little beach town for a week, then his wife will join him here in Zihuatenejo for 6 weeks. They are just some of the many friends and acquaintances we have made down here over the years.


Our lunch at Playa Larga last Thursday. Fresh fish cooked to order with all the trimmings.

Heading out to town for shopping at the Mercado

Israel fixing our Thai dinner last night

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