Monday, February 16, 2009

The real beauty of the computer is that it will do a lot of things for you. As I start this entry I marvel at being able to see what time it is, and what day and date it is. Without this, I could be in trouble.
Judy is still not feeling well, even after the Doctor was here. She is having trouble tolerating the medication. It hurts her stomach. I walked to the Doctors house about 10 this morning, but they said he was still sleeping. He is a good Doctor and appears to have is priorities right. I noticed a surf board on top of his car! We will go to his office downtown after noon today. She will be fine, we just need a different medication. The medication she is taking helps with the problem, but creates a different one.
We had a first a couple of nights ago. Judy was up most of the night with her stomach ache from her medication. About 2:30 AM I woke to an OH MY GOD, there’s a scorpion on the floor. Sure enough it was a little brown scorpion sitting on a towel by our door. I located a shoe and flattened him. He was about 3” long. This is our 13th trip here and this was the first one that I have seen. Alfredo has gone to town this morning to pick up spray. He will be spraying around the property and the house this morning. Spraying is a big part of living here for everyone.
What say we move onto something more fun?
I talked about Valentines Day in my last entry. It is a very big day down here. It appears to me that what ever your economic status there is always enough for some kind of Valentine. The flower shops are full of bouquets, there are guys hawking big red heart balloons everywhere. It seems like every other person is selling single roses. Our friends Mel and Bertella arrived on the 14th, and seeing how Judy was not feeling to good we went down the road to Jungle Pizza. We were going to walk, when the owner drove by. I hollered at him and he picked us up and drove us to the restaurant. Not only do they deliver, but they pick up! When we were done, he drove us home on his way to make a delivery.
The restaurants do a bang up business. La Escollera, up the hill from us had a wedding reception for 200 and 120 reservations for Valentines dinner. There was a steady stream of taxis up there. It’s 30 pesos up and 40 pesos down. Go figure.
I will close this out with an update from the Doctor. Since I started this report this morning, we have been to the Doctor. I finally got him on the phone about 11:30 AM and he was at his office. I asked if he could see us and he said yes just before the phone call was dropped. Judy got dressed and I got a cab. We were at the office within 15 minutes. No waiting room full of people waiting for their appointment to be within an hour of the original time. The office is downtown on one of the main streets. It is only about 8 x 10. His desk and an exam table. The waiting room is 4 chairs out front on the inset porch along the street. The office call was a little cheaper, it was only 200 pesos vs the 400 for the house call.
Hopefully we are on the right track with the medication for Judy now. I took Judy back to the house and then went back to town to hit the Pharmacy. They don’t fill prescriptions with the Pharmacist into the little pill bottles. Everything is pre-packaged. The generic brand was 92 pesos and the Phizer brand was 460 pesos. I watched someone next to me ask for a different drug and it was 92 pesos for the generic and 460 pesos for the Phizer. Funny how that works, different drugs same pricing, I guess that makes it easy.

Mike, George, and I walked to the top of a hill to the east of our house. They are pushing a road up the hill that everyone thinks is a short cut to the airport. Wrong, it is a shortcut to more development that we probably won't be able to walk in next year. We say some interesting animal tracks up in the soft dirt, You can see Zihuatanejo bay and clear to Bera de Potisi about 10 miles away.

My friend Mike from Staten Island NY. We walked to town for some errands and he bought flowers for his wife on Valentines Day. I purchased the day before to avoid missing out. His biggest concern was his house mate George is going to "bust my chops" for getting flowers.

One of the flower shops the day before Valentines Day.

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